Showing the technicalities for starting a new project.


I know what you're thinking: Another tutorial about how to make a proper RM game.
This is kinda like that.


Most 101 tutorials are really helpful in terms of what to do when starting a game but they don't show how.


For instance, a tutorial may tell you you need to create 3 dimensional characters, show character development, or create living and breathing worlds. They rarely, if ever, tell you about the tools you can use to create those elements.


As the title said, this tutorial will give you a broad understanding of what you can do to improve your game. There are links in the further steps that lead to more in-depth tutorials on using the tools highlighted in this tutorial.

Step 1: Plan Your Game

When we design games, we just go for it. We don't plan, we don't think, we simply create. I can personally tell you that doing so will bite you in the ass. Hard. It's imperative that you plan your games and flesh out all the details you can before even touching the game engine. This is necessary for the tools you will use later.


First, think about the setting:

  • What time frame is your game set in?
  • Is it based on real life?
  • What does the world look like (world map)?
  • What are the regions of your world?
  • What are the laws? For more dynamism, make it differ by region. Not really necessary but does help.
  • What's the economy like? For more dynamism, make it differ by region.
  • What is the game's genre? Fantasy? Sci-fi? Steampunk? etc.
  • What is/are the languages in your game?
  • etc.


It is VERY important that you research about the time frame, language, culture, and setting of you game. Players feel more immersed when everything makes sense and is consistent. If you want to keep your game consistent, DO YOUR RESEARCH!


Second, comes your characters:

  • What are their names? Think about if regions affect their culture, i.e. their names.
  • Are they male or female?
  • What is their archetype?
  • What are their backstories?
  • Where do they come from?
  • When were they born?
  • What makes them unique compared to the other characters?
  • What are their likes and dislikes?
  • etc.


Third is the story:

  • What's the backstory?
  • What happens to the characters?
  • Do their morals change throughout the game?
  • Do their decisions affect the world?
  • Do characters share relationships?
  • etc.


Forth is gameplay. A lot of people choose to call this features but please keep in mind that not all gameplay aspects are features!

  • Are there puzzles?
  • Weapon crafting?
  • Stealth?
  • Character upgrading?
  • Collectibles?
  • etc.


Fifth is the database. A lot of people neglect the database. I am one of them. Your database may be different because of certain gameplay elements or scripts you may have. Please remember that gameplay affects the database!

  • What are the items in the world?
  • Are they rare? Common?
  • What stats do they provide?
  • How are they obtained? Such as a prerequisite/upgraded weapon or item.
  • What regions can they be found in?
  • etc.


Lastly, remember that you're not limited to the questions posted above. They're just generic things that you should think about when developing your game. A great tutorial site that goes in-depth with these game elements is final boss blues. There are tons of things to help you develop your game properly on that site and I can attest it's helped me a lot since I've found it.

Step 2: Compiling the Information - Tool #1 - Microsoft Word or anything similar

Yes! Microsoft Word helps greatly with game production. If you don't have Word, there are free word processing applications found online.


The things you can do with Word are endless. It's great to use Word especially if you're working on a team. You can check for errors, keep your story organized, and most of all, make it aesthetically pleasing. :)


Using It With Your Game

1. Make sure your story has little to no spelling or grammar errors.
2. Create Character Bios. Not just for characters but for your regions as well!
3. Create a timeline.
4. If you're up to the task, write a script!


In Practice


I have to blur a few things out of the screenshots to prevent spoilers from my own game.



Step 3: Compiling the Information - Tool #2 - Microsoft Excel or anything similar

I had to take an Excel class in my second year of college. I thought it was pointless since I was taking Graphic Design. Honestly, what does Excel have to do with Photoshop? Turns out I needed it for something I don't remember...


The point to that story is that Excel is a fantabulous (yea, I said it) program to help organize your database! The best part about Excel is that if you wanted to place an item in between two other items, you can simply insert a new row. Can't do that in RM's database. ;) Excel also has this cool little feature to create "Sheets". It's basically multiple Excel files in one, meaning you can make your whole entire database in one file! Screenshot below.


Using It With Your Game

1. List the Items in your database before putting them in.
2. Keep detailed information on said Items, such as effects, types, descriptions, rarity, etc. You can do the same for your Skills, Weapons, and Actors, too!
3. Variables, Common Events, and Switches can also be organized in Excel.


In Practice

Items being categorized.

States and their status effects.

Mission breakdown.

The screenshot I promised: the Sheets. :D This if found at the bottom of the program.

Step 4: Compiling the Information - Tool #3 - Adobe Photoshop, GiMP, or anything similar

It's time to construct your world map. World maps aren't just to show off how expansive your game is. It can be used to show the different economies, terrain, and obstacles of a region. When CyberDrive Ninja's backstory was written, there was a part where a person fled a region and ran to another region. When I made the world map, it turn out that the regions were too far apart for anyone to travel in such a short time in the game. So world maps can help you visualize the distance between parts of your world.
There are 3 ways of making your world maps:


In-Engine Editor

Just because you make your world maps in-engine doesn't mean they won't be beautiful.


Celianna's World Map Maker

Here are some world maps created with her template.






Multiple Image Processing Software (Advanced)

And if you happen to have the skill in Adobe software, you can create one like mine. I used Illustrator to create a vector base map (to be scale-able later) then exported it to Photoshop to color it and give it regions.
This is still in WIP phase. :/


In conclusion, if you want you game to truly be amazing, don't be afraid to put more work into it. Find some unconventional ways to make your game better. Remember to take your time with you games and strive for excellence. The more you do for your game, the better it will be. I hope this was a good read and very helpful for new comers and veterans alike.


Thank you!





About the Author


170 Posts
629 Points

GermanyXItaly1000  said 6th January 2015

Nice tutorial, rgangsta. For our game, our partner and I have used a similar approach. (Although, hilariously enough, we even had to create a script summary for our script.)


Good info. I'll be sure to utilise this tutorial more in the future.

1,349 Posts
973 Points

rgangsta  said 9th January 2015

Thank you. I thought I should pass the info I learned along. I'm planning on making more tutorials on how to use those tools effectively.

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