This New Series Will Go Over The Basic/Advanced Functions Of RPG Maker MV! Today I will be starting my new video tutorial series on MV, well you might ask yourself, or me why I'm I doing this where there are other tutorials around. Well it's simple most of those tutorials are not for, ACE, VX, XP etc... These tutorials will focus on both old and new features of MV. The other reason for these videos is, that I'v noticed ever since MV came out a lot of new makers have been showing up with no prior knowledge of RPG Makers, so this tutorial will mainly be for those group of Individuals. After this tutorial you should be ready to make your first game and beyond. After we cover the basics and advance stuff we will be moving on to plugins. Stay tuned.

RPG Maker MV Video Tutorial EP 1: Introduction - Introduction to RM MV and whats to come.

RPG Maker MV Video Tutorial EP 2: Interface - This video cover the interface for RM MV

RPG Maker MV Video Tutorial EP 3 -This video covers maps and regions.


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