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My graphics card has split personality disorder

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Which is quite distinct from schizophrenia. I'm hoping a few of you guys are good with computers - if not I already know Pol can solve this problem.


I decided to start messing around some computer parts, so I've been working on this desktop (I usually use a laptop). I had this old GeForce GTX 450 graphics card lying around, but it's got issues. Generally, it doesn't go. I'll start the computer and there will be no output to the screen. However sometimes it does. When it does, it's 100% fine and there's no problems, it works like a gem. It almost sounds like software, doesn't it..


I was reading up and someone said it could be a power thing... when the computer powers down, some thingy drains and when you go to bootup from cold, the card won't get recognized. But leave the computer on for a bit (it boots up normal just with no output to the screen), then restart and it'll go. I'm testing this theory as I type. Makes sense in theory. I have another graphics card, same brand but much much less power, and that one works 100% of the time no issues.


Halp. If I get this going I can get my dual screen rig up and my GDU-productivity will shoot up :thumbsup: I've been looking to buy another graphics card, but if there is a mysterious power-thingy problem, then this would happen to another graphics card of

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Hmmm... Hard to say since i havent ran into this problem before.


Do you still see the bios aka where it shows the logo/brand of the computer on startup or does it not display after it says starting windows?

How many watts is your power supply?

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I think I just solved it. The other graphics card I was using... the DVI port wouldn't work but the VGA did. On the problematic card, there were only DVI ports. So in fact the problem was not with the card, but in fact the DVI ports. So, I basically googled the motherboard manufacturer for a bios update and now seems to be running fine. It's odd though, because when I first got it back in mid-2012 it ran just fine. Then after I stopped using it for a while this problem started occuring. So I'm not sure what changed to cause the error as it seems to be software and the bios update solving the issue. At least I think it's solved. I'll have to start it up and down a few times before I can be sure, but I'm quite sure.

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