Learn how to disable the background blur effect in the default RPG Maker VX battle system.

Find the code

 # * Create Battleback Sprite
 def create_battleback
	source = $game_temp.background_bitmap
	bitmap = Bitmap.new(640, 480)
	bitmap.stretch_blt(bitmap.rect, source, source.rect)
	bitmap.radial_blur(90, 12)
	@battleback_sprite = Sprite.new(@viewport1)
	@battleback_sprite.bitmap = bitmap
	@battleback_sprite.ox = 320
	@battleback_sprite.oy = 240
	@battleback_sprite.x = 272
	@battleback_sprite.y = 176
	@battleback_sprite.wave_amp = 8
	@battleback_sprite.wave_length = 240
	@battleback_sprite.wave_speed = 120

The changes

Go to where it says

bitmap.radial_blur(90, 12)


Change it to this

bitmap.radial_blur(1, 1)


After you have that go to where it says

@battleback_sprite.wave_amp = 8
@battleback_sprite.wave_length = 240
@battleback_sprite.wave_speed = 120


Change it to this

@battleback_sprite.wave_amp = 0
@battleback_sprite.wave_length = 0
@battleback_sprite.wave_speed = 0


That's it, when you go into battle the background won't have that blur effect


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