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Wonder's War

I owe thee one.

Well, I have not blogged in a while, which feels bad for I, for I love doing thes' things. But in all thi' reality, I really have not much to talk about. Finally, on thi' day, I have something to talk about.


If thy wonders as toeth why I am talking thi' way I am, I am using th' same dialect as to what th' main character of our story will use in th' main game. Thi' is also a reason as to why I have spoke of ther' be abundance of spelling errors, for as th' Allemhire races speak in a weird accent like I am currently speaking. Thes' are th' High Elven, th' Dark Elven, th' Blood Elven, th' Wood Elven, and lastily, th' Celestials. All of which speak in th' weirdest of tongues, but is also possible to understand what thy speak of.


So while thy use thi' weirdest of ways to speak, may I as well talk about what thy have gotten done thes' past long days.


1. Cooking system.
I have worked on th' ability to cook almost any kind of food thou can imagine! Thou can make sharkfin soup, walnut mix, kobbleberry sandwiches, dragon egg omelets, roasted hot dogs, green tea, sushi, kings curry, lemon chicken, mortimer salad, chocolate cake, mammoth wings, salt pops, donoughties! So many different things thee can make!
How it works is tha' thou hasth to find or buy a recipe from th' book store or from a kitchener, have th' necessary equipment to cook th' food (ex. grill, cooking stick, pot, pan…), and thus thou needth th' ingredients to create such a marvelous dish! Th' food thy eats can grant bonuses in combat, cure sicknesses, restore thy health, grant abilities… Lots of things! Th' only difference from buying th' items at the store which do th' same thing is tha' food made by hand is far cheaper thn' what thay shall sell in bottles imbued with powerful magicks. Though it may take longer to cook tha' it does to buy right away…


2.Battle system.
Ardaceus has been long improving all of th' skills of battle, and has exhausted thy mind to get everything balanced. Thy had to use a lot of different equations to make sure tha' thou deal less damage on weak attacks, more damage on great attacks, and tha' enemies are not overpowered. Half of the skills under th' magic category are complete with animations and everything, while th' others may need to change cause the' are stupid or something.
As for other skills, Ardaceus has worked on thus a bit, with not as much pressure, for thy are easy to set up, but come later in th' game.


Well, tha's what has majorly changed, thy has also gotten some mapping done, but focused more on th' digits side of th' project. Thy will be working the next while on mapping, working on th' expansive land which is th' Green Hills of th' Danne. So until thn', I shall be off!

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  • Posted July 17, 2015





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