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Wonder's War

Well I'm Late

3 days late for a blog, twice! Fantastic!


I've been caught up in school and activities the past few days, but I was able to squeeze in a few things for my game, such as I figured out how to use an awesome script with my game! It's from Moghunter, who has the amazing Atelier Rgss scripts, here's the page: Moghunter's Page


I have been editing all of the scripts required resources, so I have completely different backgrounds for the menus and letters used in battle and in events. Other than that, I've been working on the deeper parts of the first forest in the game, which has a little village of Living Sprites, who aren't Fayries or Dark Sprites, due to their magic capabilities of casting curses and transformations on people, unlike Fayries who are great at buffing and Dark Sprites who are great at hexing. I've also been working on the intro scene, making it 10x better than before, but I still need a game title logo…


I should update the credits of the game, for there are a lot of resources I'm using with my project that needs creditting, I should get it done before I release a demo at the end of this month or sometime during July. The demo's story is not something that is going to happen during the main story, but kinda like a free short prequel to this main story I'm working on.


I've also noticed that Kickstarters have been going on to fund games, like Machine-made. I'll never really do a kickstarter, for I don't really need money to make this game, it's being made with not much money, and I don't have a team of people to support, so I'm just putting a fee on the actual game when it releases. I think I'll have to offer the actual game on steam, somehow I'll get it out.


So until then, Ardi out.

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  • Posted June 13, 2015





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