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Prophet Sword


School has hit me harder than puberty hit SammyClassicSonicFan.


I'm trying to work on Prophet Sword the best I can, but it's been so hard trying to make a well structured story/atmosphere.


I refuse to add any people to help me with my game. I plan to do this independently, and will ALWAYS do this independently. I have a reason for doing this, but right now, please bear with me.


I have no new updates for Prophet Sword, count that it's going to be this way for a good while.


If you have any questions, slide them over to

Comments (2)

  • Hey Dusty, try not to worry too much about getting your game out too quickly if you have school to deal with. Every one understands, just try to keep motivated and you'll release your game when you're ready.

    Good luck in school and on your game.

  • Yep dolarmak is 100% right. I'm a student, Just like you. I managed to finish my huge game after 3 years. Yeah it took so long but as long as you have patient and motivation, You'll finally get it done. You just need to go slow and steady 🙂

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  • Posted September 21, 2015





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