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Machine Made: Rebirth

Machine Made: Rebirth (What the hell have we been doing)

Hello ladies and gentlefolk, gentlemen even! Welcome back to the Machine Made: Rebirth blog, a place where I, Allsvin, with whimsical fancy indulge you lovely people in my thoughts about game creation, about rpgs, and about sharing the love that we all grudgingly accept is possible to achieve in this lifetime.


So just what the hell have we been up to with Machine Made: Rebirth?


To put it simply, I want this game done. I want it so done, that people will not remember a time when it was not done.


To throw down onto a table a short laundry list of updates I'd mention sound balancing, hiring new artists to create visuals for us, promoting the game, testing the hell out of it, building the final levels, doing grammar checking on myself (which is endless and may never be correct) and the one that's just been killing me lately — transferring all RTP resources into game resources, or simply replacing them with custom ones.


I took my Standard RTP off of my computer and OH MY GOD it has been a hellish experience. Every two minutes it's cannot find autotile1, cannot find autotile2, cannot find action sound5… but I'm going to do it for the entire thing, because I don't want people on STEAM to think that I'm lame and that they have to go to the trouble of installing an RTP to enjoy my game.


And you know what else? I'm going to make the new demo featuring new art and all resources built into the game available on here before people on STEAM even get to see it?! Doesn't that make me like the worst? Oh dear me, I'm rambling pretty hard. I hope you'll all enjoy the added convenience and awesomeness of being able to share the demo and play it with no worries about having rmxp, I'm sure not everyone on this site has it or the RTP anyhow, so if you've been wondering what's wrong with these games or you simply haven't thought you wanted to take up a few hundred MB of hard disk getting them to work with rmxp or the rtp, you soon will not have to! I, Allsvin will fight the onslaught of game crashes to bring you the finest and most convenient game that I can.


But in all seriousness, I've had to step back and realize we're still going to be plodding along and advertising small updates for at least a few months before we're actually done. It is a little upsetting, but we're bringing it out as fast as humanly possible. I mean, I'm really working overtime here.


So where does this bring us with regards to the finished game?


The prologue to chapter three is literally done as far as I can see other than having all the resources embedded and having a few visual tweaks and extra features, people have mentioned that they'd like to see a little bit of GUI updating, and we're willing to do that as well, but we need more people looking at it and offering feedback! Don't be shy, get in touch with us, if you're one of the people whose tried this game, got past the first few levels and found a big empty expanse of uncreated mess, don't despair! We're getting that organized and turned into a beautiful game experience just for you.


As another note, I would like to mention that I'm launching a patreon to help cover the costs of bringing extra visuals into the game, you can check it out here —


Community support as made this possible thus far, and if you'd like to donate, I'd love to channel all of that into getting the content we need to finish this, and start working on the next game in the series. It's been a while, but things are getting to that point where there will be fewer revisions to make in each go through. I do think (and hope) it will be a matter of months rather than anything longer than that before you guys will be able to see the finished product. Isn't that exciting?


What else is worth mentioning — we've had a few very excellent people step forward to offer their time to test out the game, and I've had perhaps the greatest chats and feedback from community members thus far — particularly my hat goes off to Troy for being there always and to Saltome for being thorough and promising to test the entire game when it's done! That will be quite a task indeed.


Our soundtrack has been completely changed, it's no longer electronica but is much more traditional video game mood music, and I think it adds a lot. The new visuals and sound effects going in to replace the RTP resources sound and look pretty good too.


It's going to take some time but I think everyone will keep seeing improvements and I hope you guys are happy with us so far!


Email me at if you'd like to get involved, I know it's draining on folks testing the same game even a few times, so we always need a fresh perspective, and if you're good at hunting down bugs or you just have thought of trying the game and want to see where we're at, get in touch with me as soon as you can.


Chapter 4-5-Epilogue is going to be the hardest stage of development yet, and I might end up making it a little shorter than anticipated — sadfaces, that is the way of art though, I'm trying not to rush it, but I will if time doesn't permit anything else.


Comment, email, let me know what you think!


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Ryan Ferris

  • Posted June 24, 2016





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