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Listen will be translated into Italian

Hello guys,


we're proud to announce, that Listen will be translated into Italian. Thank you, EatYourBeetS, for this opportunity. But we don't know whether or not the Italian translation will be published at 06/01/2015 together with the other languages because we'd need to find some proofreaders for this language first. Maybe you're a native speaker?


Currently it seems that there are no delay in our schedule. The minigame is finished and successfully integrated into the game. Some bugs are solved and we got a nice bunch of beta testers. 21(!) Spanish people and 4 of each German and English tester. There could be more. However, most of the german and english people do grammar and misspelling corrections, but more is never too much when it comes to spell.


So, I hope we find some more English and German beta testers and maybe some Italian proofreaders so that we can further improve Listens quality.


Thanks for reading and have a nice day.



Comments (3)

  • Will it be translated into Portuguese? If you'd like, I can try an' ask our Brazilian friends on mundorpgmaker if one of them would be willing to translate. My Portuguese is only decent, not good enough for translation, really… this game doesn't look like it will want terms like "laser cannon turret" – sci-fi stuff is tricky.

  • Thank you for your comments. 🙂

    @RPGTRIBE: We got an application for a Portuguese translator, as soon as the Italian translation is complete we start with the translation into Portuguese.
    But I'm not sure whether we can make it until the beta or official release. This depends on our Italian translator and whether we find enough beta tester for both languages in time. I'm sorry but the release itself has the higher priority here. But that doesn't mean that we don't finish the translations and offer them as soon as we can. ^^

    [quote]If you'd like, I can try an' ask our Brazilian friends on mundorpgmaker if one of them would be willing to translate.[/quote]
    Can I get back to this offer? I'd like to ask you for proofreaders then. But first it must be translated.

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  • Posted April 24, 2015





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