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Irina Academy

    Irina Academy for the Gifted is a very well-known school in the country of Eurum. It's known for many geniuses attending, and it has quite a bit of money to spend on them. Erin Lyle, a weak young man with no known special traits even to himself, was invited to Irina Academy by the enigmatic Headmistress herself- but apparently, 'Gifted' doesn't just mean genius. To her, Erin's ability to empathize and his open mind to the supernatural are just what she needs to help the five most unusual girls on campus. Delve into the history of the girls born with powers given by god, and help them learn to protect themselves from their own abilities- and the world around them.


    Through quests and conversation, you'll learn quite a bit about the five girls you were brought in to aid: including their supernatural powers related to the elements, and their sometimes dark backgrounds. Though this looks like an indoor game, there will be fields to fight in- both on and off campus. Help the girls gain control over their elements, and learn the true strength Erin has been hiding without his knowledge.


    -A cast of unique characters with deep backstories and interesting side events.
    -At least up to 9 characters you can include in your party with the protagonist, Erin [for now, he's required. Sorry.]
    -A day/night system that will decide certain events.
    -Learn skills many ways: Through special quests, leveling up or skill books bought at the store!
    -Want to feel like you're in school and earn rewards at the same time? "Homework" quests will provide a variety of random requirements from getting specific items, fighting specific monsters, or talking to specific people. Sometimes classmates will give you assignments with games, too! each 'homework' turned in gets a reward depending on who it's from!
    -Trying to make combo-moves between party members.

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    Developer (software), Developer (engine)


    RPG Maker VX Ace


    15% - Early in Development

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      Posted by JRolik,

      What you'll find out if you ask about it at the Help Desk!


      Posted by JRolik,

      Some teachers are especially caring, huh?


      Posted by JRolik,

      An example of things that might be asked at the help desk. I'll try adding more questions based on feedback 😀


      Posted by JRolik,

      A place to ask questions. Usually useful.


      Posted by JRolik,

      Because every fancy school has one, right?


      Posted by JRolik,

      The first character you'll meet is a young lady who will help you meet the Principal.


      Posted by JRolik,

      It's the title screen. Hoping to add options and such to the menu later.

    • 752

      Posted by JRolik,

      What you'll find out if you ask about it at the Help Desk!


      Posted by JRolik,

      Some teachers are especially caring, huh?


      Posted by JRolik,

      An example of things that might be asked at the help desk. I'll try adding more questions based on feedback 😀


      Posted by JRolik,

      A place to ask questions. Usually useful.


      Posted by JRolik,

      Because every fancy school has one, right?


      Posted by JRolik,

      The first character you'll meet is a young lady who will help you meet the Principal.


      Posted by JRolik,

      It's the title screen. Hoping to add options and such to the menu later.

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    Item Database is Growing

    By JRolik,

    I've started working more on the item database while I map. I've made a few skill books, including one or two that will cause field states- but those will be likely harder to acquire. Still debating how to price/give those to players.  Other items I've gotten set so far are some key items and medicinal things…As well as mystery boxes and such. I've also gotten about eight projectile weapons set up. I'm not sure if I should make even more, or start working on the next class of weaponry.  No real progress on armor yet…But I'll get there.   Oh! I also changed the names of the elements and the commands for fighting to Latin based, since a lot of characters involve Latin backgrounds. I got help on various forums in deciding certain things, since some had multiple words I could use [and some I couldn't find at all]. I […]

    Upped the Age Rating…for now.

    By JRolik,

    I honestly don't know how to decide what is good and bad for age groups because somehow what I always go by is what my emotional stability would allow at the times- and honestly, I was very slow emotionally developing. A movie that was fine for my classmates was never good for me- I'd have a panic attack. But because of some of the possible trigger warnings i can see in my script for the future based on the character backgrounds…I'm gonna be safe and up it to like 16+ for now. I'm sure older teens can handle it- most I know could anyway. Heck I know some 12 year olds that could. But I'm taking it safe.  I'll make a list later to be safe too. But not sure where to post it yet. Or if I should if I'm not sure about them.

    Names Galore

    By JRolik,

    So, I've finally finished naming most amenities of the school and decided that instead of the original number of dorms I planned, I'm cutting down to two male and two female [because that's already 192 NPC homes on campus not including teachers]. I'm thinking of making some extra alternate hue student files and stuff so the original six per gender I had can be more varied. But at least the dorms are named and I finished figuring out where they belong. That's usually a good thing.  I've also named half the students in one of the dorms [including, of course, the main characters]. I need to make their rooms more interesting though. But…At least I know the minimum number of students I'll have to randomly scatter for events and such later. And 24 named isn't bad for a start.  Still deciding whether to make a generalized world map with places […]
  • Credits & Thanks

    Jaluna Rolik


    Yanfly Channel

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