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  1. It seems like it is only happening with Stun. Something else has been bugging me too... I'm trying to make a physical attack that is also considered "Magical" and skills that just add states but are NOT Magic. Normally i could do this without the script, but with the script when the ATK F is set to 1 or higher it is automatically a Physical Attack and NOT Magic at all. If it is 0 it is always magic no matter what. Without the script you simply set the INT-F to 0 and it is not Magical. In the Config it says something about "checking" Physical Attack for Skills and Items in the Options of the Database to make them physical, if it is not "checked" they are magic. Where is this at?
  2. The appear halfway feature isn't working for me when i use this script. I can make enemies in the troop transparent but they still appear when i actually battle i just can't attack them until the event trigger. I need them to be invisible until the trigger. I'm also having a problem where the enemy misses my peeps but they still inflict a state somehow. Why is that?
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