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Vinderex last won the day on August 13 2012

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About Vinderex

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/10/1989

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  • Prefered Engine
    RPG Maker XP
  • Engine Level
    Getting There
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  1. I was thinking Jon Bon before I even saw the options, and I still think Jon Bon. Everywhere I look it seems, he's there. And more importantly, he's not just "there", he contributes.
  2. Lol. I feel you there. :) A little bit of boobs are reasonable, but I hate it so much when people create a "female version" of something just by strapping two watermelons to their chest. But as for dragons, I tend to stick more with reptilian anatomy, so no mammaries. I've heard plenty of conflicting theoretical differences between male and female. Heck, one of my favorite artists depicts females and being the bigger and often meaner of the two, but I prefer the opposite. And a convention I usually stick with is that males have spaded tails. But yeah, A little bit of breast isn't a bad thing as long as it's not exaggerated. :P
  3. Awesome. Both of those females look great. And I like those anthros too, Yogi. My main character will actually be half dragon, and I've been debating with myself a bit about whether his dragon form should look like a full dragon, or if he should only be able to shift halfway. With a little bit of tweaking I think those will do quite nicely. thanks.
  4. My game is going to have a LOT of dragon characters in it, and so I'd like to have a little bit more variety in their appearances, such as different body types and different features: Skinny ones, fat ones, smaller chests, possibly distinguishable males and females, varying head crests and wing shapes, etc. Would anyone happen to have, or be willing to make any kind of edits at all to Monster13? Just about anything that sets it off from its normal appearance would be helpful. I'm not really asking for anything in particular, just so long as it has something that sets it off from the original while still fitting in with the style. Variety is all I'm after. Thanks.
  5. First off... It's NOT easy and requires patience to make a spritesheet. So hopefully you already have some experience in digital drawing. You may find it helpful to use another Minkoff sprite sheet as a template, and draw on top of it. And in my experience, the very first frame is the most difficult to make, but once you have it done, you'll have a base pose which you can copy and edit to make all the other frames. Beyond that, just basic tips for drawing apply. Start out making a basic outline, flesh it out with some basic shaping and coloring, and add the details and shading last.
  6. Terrible story mode, But everything else is pretty awesome, especially the new features in Create a Soul. So... Who all has the game, for what console, and what is your gamertag or whatever it is PS3 uses? 360 here, and same name as always, Vinderex. And now... Let us show off our characters! Spoiler'd because I've got a lot. lol
  7. Everyone has to be a newbie at some point, right? :P You'll get better. Hello and welcome!
  8. Hello and welcome! And don't worry about lack of programming experience, that's why the resource database is here. And however moderate your art skills are, there's probably worse out there that's ended up being a huge hit. Heck, just look at some of the character art for Final Fantasy IV! :P Anyways, welcome and enjoy.
  9. Whoa! You coded all this yourself? Looks awesome! I'll definitely be trying it out! And being a computer science student myself, it's always encouraging seeing big projects like this. And I love the idea of a community built world, heck, that's one of the major reasons I'm so into Second Life even despite all of its many flaws. Keep this going! Looks great. :)
  10. Yes, I intended it 100%. I'm psychic you know. :P lol. Kidding of course, but that's pretty awesome.
  11. Hi and welcome! Sounds like you've got a great idea coming along. :) Can't wait to see how it progresses! I'm not quite up to where I can create games from scratch using Java, but I'm in school for Computer Science. A couple years ago we were to actually make a game as our final project for a class, but sadly, that was a pretty bad semester and only one person in the entire class had a finished-looking game at the end. I myself barely got as far as being able to move the player character (a black block) around. Hooray for freshman year, right? :P Of course I have been more successful in recent semesters, and this semester I decided to step back and retake Java entirely since most of the classes I've taken were about C, and my only real experience with Java was that class that failed so miserably. I'd certainly be interested in trying out this game of yours. :) Sounds like it's got some great potential. Good luck. and welcome. :)
  12. Hi and welcome! Hope you manage to finish this time, and I feel your pain. :P I've had the same project I'm back to working on now just sitting there for... gosh, at least a year, maybe even two or more. Keep up the enthusiasm and get it done!... and hopefully I'll do the same. XD DnD sounds fun. I never could find anyone in town who played it though, so I've just got the starter set gathering dust in the closet. lol
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