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vincestick last won the day on December 22 2012

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About vincestick

  • Rank
    Loyal Member

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  • Gender
  • Location
    My house, ya turkey

Engines I Use

  • RPG Maker XP


  • Prefered Engine
    RPG Maker XP
  • Engine Level
  • Class Title
    Level Designer
  • Other Skills
    I draw a lot.
  1. Woah, just got this email like an hour ago to this: http://store.steampowered.com/app/362870 and you know what, I think I might get it. This updated version looks pretty cool.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Polraudio


      lol they are charging for it when it was free to begin with.

    3. vincestick


      Well also keep in mind that what was available to us 10 years ago wasn't an official translation so of course it was free; it was technically pirating.

    4. Marked


      Weird. Why would ppl want it? Is it sentiment? It's not better than the new makers.

  2. Could anyone recommend me a good dual band router that's also relatively affordable, ideally $150 and below? I can go a bit higher if need be, but I swear I'm gonna murder someone if I have to go through one more "Top 10 Router" list only to have each router I look up have less than favorable reviews.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Polraudio


      ASUS is usually awesome. I try to get ASUS for all my computer stuff. I have an ASUS monitor, motherboard, and gaming laptop. never failed me or my friend once. Awesome that DDWRT is supported. may i get a link to it?

    3. vincestick


      Sure: http://www.amazon.com/RT-N66U-Dual-Band-Wireless-N900-Gigabit-Router/dp/B006QB1RPY apparently the N66U model is only available online? Not sure, but It's got a 4-5 star average from everywhere I've looked like Best Buy, Amazon, Cnet, Engadget, and Newegg (surprised Newegg even likes it, as it seems like customers there are a really finicky bunch). ASUS has been really good to me so far so I'll give one of their routers a try. It's around $129 with free shipping from...

    4. Polraudio


      awesome. usb ports just like my router. with DDWRT you could put those usb ports to use with a web server, file sharing, printers, and etc... i use to hook my external up to my router and share files with friends over LAN.

  3. It always bothered me that the logo for Resident Evil 4 had the number stated before the name.

    1. Polraudio


      I hate when any game does that. 4 Resident Evil. Especially when games put it in the center between the title like. Resident 4 Evil.

    2. vincestick


      Right? It's the same thing with FE3R, not only does it look dumb, but it totally defeats the point of the acronym.

  4. Now that I think about it, the patch notes for the Sims games are probably pretty hilarious.

  5. For those who have an uncanny love for Dark Souls and Pokemon, I made a thing: http://vincestick.tumblr.com/post/89639921815/i-thought-of-something-and-went-with-it

    1. Bob423


      Don't know anything about Dark Souls, but that looks awesome.

    2. Bob423


      Now draw the first 151 Pokemon wearing armor. Or has that been done?

  6. After fiddling around with settings and brushes, watercolor in photoshop is probably my favorite coloring method, mostly because it's a bit messy and compliments well with my shitty line art.

    1. zahraa


      Photoshop is magic! It has increased the quality of my game a lot.

  7. Oh, well, it was kind of difficult to phrase it, but for silent pop-ins I basically meant visual pop-ups that have very subtle to no noise when they appear, and they usually only happen for a split second. Think of them as hallucinations, which is probably the word I was going for to begin with. For phobias, well...it's pretty straightforward. Like, in Amnesia there's a hallway filled about ankle deep with water that you have to go through, and you soon realize that there's something lurking in it that can chase you. You never see it, just the ripples with the water. That can freak out someone who has like hydrophobia and/or uneasyness about things they hear but can't see. Spiders are also a common thing people fear, so in a game make it so they have to progress through a web-filled tunnel or vent, or to get a key they must stick their hand in a spider pit. Stuff like vertigo (the dizzy feeling like your surroundings are moving when they really aren't) and acrophobia (fear of heights). Basically use what people fear to your advantage. Speaking of which...holes. Holes are a great thing to use.
  8. Feelings of isolation and dread are pretty good starting points for horror. Occasional eerie music cues or sounds and lighting is also very key to creepy atmosphere. Also, dead silence works really well. That and persisting droning noises in the background. Helplessness like limited or no ways to defend yourself against- if your game is structured like this -some person or monster stalking you can work both ways. You are in no way completely helpless in a game like FEAR but it still manages to be scary through psychological imagery and silent pop-ins. A rising atmospheric build-up to someone expecting a scare only to have nothing happen works well, as in Gone Home, which is no way marketed as a horror game but the atmosphere of complete silence while alone in a house resonates with a lot of people. It also helps to not feel the need to explain every single thing about your world or story. Exposition is nice but too much will just make it really technical and remove a lot of mystery. Also, try and experiment with phobias. Mess with them, and twist them to really get inside someone's psyche, but try to balance it in ways that don't make it mean-spirited. If you're making a horror game, chances are you want to disturb a lot of people. Imo, jump scares are the lowest form of presenting horror, and the term is a bit misleading. They don't scare you- they startle you. There's a difference. If you insist on having jump scares, use them fairly few and far between so they don't come off as typical or the main aspect of your game. The only jump scares I can recall in Silent Hill is a completely out-of-the-way event in the women's bathroom in the prison(?) level and room 209 whispering in 2, and the mannequin room in 3. Overall, it's okay to have them, but don't depend on them as your horror focal point. Also imo, Japan pretty much always nails the horror genre in every possible way. They really know how to mess with people, and their mythology has a ghost for pretty much everything, from toilet stall inhabitants to the echoing sound of footsteps you hear when you're walking home alone at night.
  9. So glad to have found the password to my old username, so I guess I'll be using this from now on.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. vincestick


      That would be awesome, go right ahead :D

    3. Marked


      It is done :> All posts, topics, PMs from UrHappyPlz should now belong to vincestick.

    4. vincestick


      Everything looks like it worked, thanks Marked!

  10. My username means I'm a big dumb who made a gimmick username after being unable to find the password for my old account. My old profile pic was that Awesome Face/Smiley meme. Actually, I just recently recovered my old username and password, so I'll be using that from now on. To avoid technical double-posting, Vincestick is my pseudonym which I use for pretty much everything network-wise. It's also the name of one of the main characters in my webcomic, who is based on me.
  11. “No†- Hamlet act III scene iii line 92

    1. Bob423


      Dude, add that to the quotes, it's genius.

    2. vincestick


      It won't let me... :(

    3. Bob423


      Probably because it's only 1 word :(

  12. So what exactly is this point thing and what is it for? I apparently have a net worth of, like, 2.

    1. Polraudio


      You gain points by posting. Theres no use for points as of yet. Marked was talking about being able to use them for buying things in the future.

    2. Bob423


      They can be traded so, right now, they're only good for reputation and/or currency. I gave someone 50 points the other day for helping me with multiple scripts in a row.

    3. vincestick


      Ah, ok, that's pretty simple to get. I was wondering why there was a 2 next to my profile on the top right.

  13. They're both really good games, although Left 4 Dead 2 might get a bit stale down the line if you don't have anyone to play with, but the solo experience is still awesome. GTA Online is cool but you also have a very strong singleplayer experience. GTA V is a loooooong game. Left 4 Dead 2 is pretty cheap now, console versions are like $20 at most depending on where you look. On PC it can be a lot cheaper, especially on Steam during sales they're always having. GTA V on PC will still be a while, but console versions for both games are still recommended.
  14. To bean or not to bean, that is the burrito.

    1. ShinkuAura
    2. Polraudio


      Same lol. I love burritos way to much.

  15. I really hope that this whole "Based God" thing is entirely ironic, although the bravado of the rap industry makes that unlikely.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bigace360
    3. vincestick


      It's just some nonsense fanbase/meme stuff about Lil B, a rapper, but it's a bit absurd with how cult-ish is seems.

    4. Bigace360


      Oh ya that crappy rapper.

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