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  1. Hehe. I'll be posting more that I find interesting and that work in the future. Maybe add some of my own if I ever learn how to use this script.
  2. I did credit him. It's in the title. o.o;
  3. Oh wow. Thanks a lot. I appreciate it!
  4. I've been searching and searching. I can't seem to find a way to get a way to manually put in two stat points per level up. Say someone just leveled up from battle. They can now go to the status screen and manually assign those stat points. Another one I want is to add a fifth party member. I can't seem to get this to happen. Any and all help is greatly appreciated
  5. OH wow, I was blind to of missed that. I think you for pointing that out. It has helped a lot.
  6. Can anyone put these in .txt form or anything? I keep getting weird errors and a bunch of question marks where things would normally be and keeps giving me errors due to that. Or perhaps some way to fix my problem other than giving me .txts. My first post here, I know, but I hope to contribute much more later on.
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