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Blur Screen Script [RMXP]

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I managed to put together a pseudo-blur script for the game map, I wanted it for one of my projects and figured I would share it in case anyone wanted to use it or whatever.


Before I post it I just want to set a few things straight: Only the blur script was written by me.


Screenshot.dll - Andreas21

Screenshot script - GameGuy (I modified it a bit to work the way I wanted, but I don't have very much knowledge on using Win32Api functions, thankfully GameGuy had a very simple call snapshot script)


For this to work you will need the Screenshot.dll, and place it in the game folder

SCREENSHOT.DLL > http://www.mediafire.com/?zf41xwmgjzb


To use the script, just place this line of code (for example, say in a menu where you wanted a blurred game_map as the background)

@some_var_name = Sprite_Blur.new(Blur_intensity [,opacity])

Blur_intensity is the pixel distance that each layer is shifted in each direction

Opacity is the opacity of each layer, if left empty it is defaulted to 25.


I found that a blur_intensity between 2-3 looked nicest. And I find if you go for higher intensities then it is a good idea to lower the opacity.


SCREENSHOT (blur_intensity = 2, opacity = 25)







# * Snapshot script from screenshot.dll, Modified from GAMEGUY's SCRIPT
module Snapshot
 def self.snap
   snp = Win32API.new('screenshot.dll', 'Screenshot', %w(l l l l p l l), '')
   window = Win32API.new('user32', 'FindWindowA', %w(p p), 'l')
   ini = (Win32API.new 'kernel32', 'GetPrivateProfileStringA', %w(p p p p l p), 
   game_name = '\0' * 256
   ini.call('Game', 'Title', '', game_name, 255, '.\Game.ini')
   win = window.call('RGSS Player', game_name)
   count = 0
   file_name = 'Graphics/Pictures/temp_screenshot.png'
   snp.call(0, 0, 640, 480, file_name, win, 2)
# ** Sprite_Blur
#   Creates a temporary snapshot, then mimic a gaussian blur by messing with
#   opacity and layering the image
class Sprite_Blur
 # * Object Initialization
 #     blur_val      : Pixel distance to layer over to create blur effect
 #     opacity       : The opacity of the screenshot layers
 def initialize(blur_val, opacity=25)
   # Save temporary screenshot
   # Create array of screenshots to create layered
   @sprite = []
   # Set bitmap to screenshot
   bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture('temp_screenshot.png')
   @sprite[0] = Sprite.new
   @sprite[0].bitmap = bitmap
   (1...(8 * blur_val)).each {|i|
     @sprite[i].bitmap = bitmap
     @sprite[i].opacity = opacity
     dir = i % 8
     case dir
     when 0
       @sprite[i].x -= 1 + (i / 8)
       @sprite[i].y += 1 + (i / 8)
     when 1
       @sprite[i].y -= 1 + (i / 8)
     when 2
       @sprite[i].x += 1 + (i / 8)
       @sprite[i].y += 1 + (i / 8)
     when 3
       @sprite[i].x += 1 + (i / 8)
     when 4
       @sprite[i].x += 1 + (i / 8)
       @sprite[i].y -= 1 + (i / 8)
     when 5
       @sprite[i].y -= 1 + (i / 8)
     when 6
       @sprite[i].y -= 1 + (i / 8)
       @sprite[i].x -= 1 + (i / 8)
     when 7
       @sprite[i].x -= 1 + (i / 8)
 # * Dispose Object
 def dispose
   # Dispose Screenshots
   @sprite.each {|sprite| sprite.dispose}
   # Delete temporary file



Hope you guys might be able to get some use out of this as well :)

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This is useful because I was designing a fable-like beer system for my game where the more you drink the blurrier it gets and the harder it gets to walk straight.

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oooohh :sweatdrop: I forgot to mention it doesn't do it in real time; it simply saves a snapshot and creates a still blurred image....

Sorry! I was originally trying for a real-time blurring algorithm, but rmxp creates the maps by drawing sprites into separate viewports with different depth values (thus creating 3 layers) and working in a realtime blur would involve layering every sprite like this and altering the opacities. Unfortunately I am not sure how to manipulate direct x through ruby scripts otherwise I could have put in an real gaussian blur algorithm that could be applied over the screen in real time.


I will try working out a way to make a new method for the sprite class that will mimic a blur for each sprite, if it doesn't lag like a bitch then I might be able to work out a real-time blurring script.


EDIT: I made slight error, the sprites are drawn on, however the tilemap is not drawn as a sprite and there is no built in way to modify the tilemap's opacity. There for the best I could do would be just the event's and player blurred...and that would be really laggy. The best workaround I could see for you would be to create seperate tilesets with a gaussian blur effect added to it so that when the character is drunk you could just switch tilesets and emulate a blur. There may be a way to apply a realtime blur But i believe that is beyond my knowledge anyways sorry man, wish i could help.

Edited by kellessdee

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NP, thanks for trying. At least I made the player walk funny when drunk, I found a script that when a certain state is added to the party leader the controls constantly change up.

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Wow. That's really impressive. I could definitely use this in the future.

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NP, thanks for trying. At least I made the player walk funny when drunk, I found a script that when a certain state is added to the party leader the controls constantly change up.

Hey that's pretty cool! I never thought about the before, creating scripts where you can set states to alter actual gameplay...I will have to keep this in mind. Also I must mention getting drunk in video games is fun, you can drink all you want without spending a cent and without the hangover :alright:



And thanks RGangsta I hope you find some use in it! I wanted the script so I could display the menu over a blurred game screen (kinda like a lot of newer games tend to do) and couldn't find any real-time blurring scripts (which I assume is the nature of rmxp, and it seems there isn't much direct ruby/directx support) And unfortunately it isn't quite an "true" blur but it emulates it well enough for me :)


I wonder if it's possible to get the screenshot, call somekind of filter to be applied to it then display the screen...I'll have to look into running external software through ruby;

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