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Show pictures when choosing a choice.

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*Pictures from BASS and https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.co...8909914cbb9bf296--anime-scenery-in-french.jpg

Hello! I would like to know if there's a script that can show picture when you are at the choices but not yet pressing any button.

The background picture shows your current location and the small picture in the yellow square frame show the place you will go when you are at that choice and when you press the button to choose that choice, the background will change into that small picture or moving to an event. There will be some choices that don't show small frame pictures, too. I'd like it to have "Events" and "Places" or something like that at first, and there will be some pictures being showed for the other choices within them.

1. Events (No small picture) --> 1.1 Talk with A (Show A's picture) 1.2 Talk with B (Show B's picture) 1.3 Go back (No picture)
2. Places (No small pictures) --> 2.1 Park (Show park's pic) 2.2 Go back (No picture)

Also, I would like to know how to make a picture as a choice just like in the picture.

If there's not one, I'd need to request it. I'd be really grateful if someone would interest in this!




*I was planning on putting this in my commercial game, but I was preparing for a crowdfunding in Indiegogo right now (Kickstarter doesn't support my country orz). If it's a success, I will sell it. And I will pay you for this script. If it doesn't, I will publish the game for free. And this script will be just a request until I started to sell it again.

Thank you very much for your interested!

Edited by Darkness

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Updated : I already got some help and managed to make it work with various ways. So, this should be closed by now. Or if there's still someone willing to write a new script for this, please feel free to PM me! 

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