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Marisa Giancarla

Hello everyone!

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Hi, thanks for viewing my profile! I am a 49yo indie game dev with over 20 iPad games in the app store. I started game programming back in the early 80's on Apple ][ and Tandy Model 100. In '85 i got a Amiga 1000 and started on that. :).


I am now developing a game called Mundo Sangre (Blood World). Would love your comments at https://MundoSangre.com. And if you have a RPG Maker-related site please register at http://CCM.bz to get more visitors!


BTW: the "preferred engine" selection does not allow "rpg maker mv" :)

Edited by Marisa Giancarla

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Thanks :) You can find them by searching for "pocketfiction"... Almost all are free...

Edited by Marisa Giancarla

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Hello Marsia! Welcome to the site. You can also make a gamepage for Mundo Sangre here on GDU :) good luck and have fun!

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Welcome to GDU. Glad to see someone who actually made it on the app store lol.

I added RPG Maker MV to the preferred engine list. Not sure why marked didnt do it when the engine released lol.

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Welcome to the Game Development Unlimited.

I am the guardian of the chat, ghost of GDU, Ardi, and I shall be your host this evening.


May I show you around? Great!


This website offers a forums section where you can make graphical or musical requests to people in the community, or discuss problems you are having with engines such as Unity or RPG Maker, we try our best to give a response right away. If you don't have anything along the lines of those, we also offer a section dedicated to plain mundane chat about anything, from movies to politics in the misc sections of the GDU Forums.


We also have a games section where you can post your game(s) to be seen by our community, and showcase whatcha all about. You can also check all the completed games and games in the works in this section.


The resources section is a library of resources people have donated to this website, but be careful, some resources may be stolen from other people, so make sure you know who to credit. This is done easily by searching the picture on Google. There needs to be some resource removal for stolen resources on this website that makes sure new people to this site don't fall for that trap... @Polraudio (get on this dood)


We also have a tutorials section dedicated to teaching anybody tricks to utilize in many different programs. Ranging from spriting techniques to an advanced coding class.


We also have a chat room where if you wait long enough, someone on the website might come around to talk to you, or you'll likely run into me, as I'm usually watching or I'm in the chat from 4pm-12am EST on weekdays, and from whatever time I wake up to 10pm on weekends.


We also have a lonely arcade section where you can play silly little games which you can find along the footer of this website, or in a bunch of other hidden away places. Have fun beating those high scores because they never update the scoreboard.


And while you stay here, please be aware of our no double posting rule, and try to keep topics on topic, like don't get from talking about implementing bunnies in a boss battle to preforming satanic rituals to summoning the restless soul of Michael Jackson, it is not favoured by our admins on the website for it to happen.


Please, enjoy your stay at GDU!

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And while you stay here, please be aware of our no double posting rule,

The chances of anyone getting even a warning on this site for any reason are about the same as winning the lottery. It's all about common sense, since we have no written rules. The most we're going to do is say "hey, please don't do that.", lock a topic, or merge two posts together...unless you do it like 50 times in a row. Then you're just being obnoxious.

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The chances of anyone getting even a warning on this site for any reason are about the same as winning the lottery. It's all about common sense, since we have no written rules. The most we're going to do is say "hey, please don't do that.", lock a topic, or merge two posts together...unless you do it like 50 times in a row. Then you're just being obnoxious.

^ That's a warning, isn't it?

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Wasn't intended to be lol. And besides, I meant the warning points thing that normal members can't see. What I really wanted to say was "don't worry about it."

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