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Help with animated battlers.


Anyway I could make an animated battler? I don't really want a script, because it would be a waste. I'm only gonna use it for the final boss...and I'm just gonna loop, like, 6 sprites...Anyway I could do this?

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2 answers to this question

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There is no possible way I'm fairly certain that you can make an animated battler in RPG Maker without the use of scripts. The only way to have somewhat of an animation for battlers is to change the battler to a different battler with the same stats, but a different picture being used to represent the battler.


If you really badly need to achieve what it is you asked for, there are two ways I know to do this, depending on what kind of battle system your game is.


For Side Viewing:

Most side view scripts use animated battlers, as that's like, the big part of side viewing. I see that you use XP, and since that program does not include side view battles, you'll need to import a script. There are many out there for use, but I can't really say which one is the best because I don't use XP.


Or, MV has a side view battler option, which is pretty sweet considering it gives a full explanation on how to animate battlers. So for that, you won't have to import scripts, but you will need to buy MV and also convert your project to that format which is a real pain in the *Bark*.


These are some side view scripts for XP






For Front View:

You would definitely need a script for that. I don't know any scripts actually for front view, so you'd have to search yourself around the internet, or learn yourself on how to make them by learning RGSS1.



So that's all I got. Hope it helped.

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If you have the graphics, then I have the script for you. Front View Animated Battler, and you can use it for just one guy.


The script is in my "Collection", link in the sig.

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