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Size limitations


Don't know if this is the proper board to ask this question on, but here goes (feel free to direct me to the proper board if this is the wrong place)


One of the big things I plan to do with all of my games is make most (if not all) of the art myself. I noticed that there were size limitations to each element (example being that the default title screen is 640 pixels wide, and 480 pixels tall)


I was just wondering if there is any way to change this limitation within the scripting or any other way, shape, or form?


If not I can settle with working on a smaller than preferred canvas, I was just curious.

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Well this solves part of my problem (I think).

But maybe I should elaborate on my quandary.

I have in the past sketched out a simple title screen in an art program (at the time I used Paint Tool Sai), and it was a large piece (about 3000 by 3000 pixels) when I inserted this into the database and verified it as my title screen all that was shown was a mere portion of it. Will this script help with images that size (or bigger)? I tend to work on large canvases is the main reason I ask this.

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okay, well then.


Besides that being a really huge canvas that I don't even work on due to sheer massiveness, it would be far easier to shrink that to a size that can actually fit on most screens.


What I would suggest to do is to resize the game using that script (if it works) to a size that can be of the same size as your title screen, like 800x800, 1000x1000, 600x600, but I would go for 700x700 for the fact that it would probably run and look best. So you'll want to try changing your title screen to different sizes until you get one that has good resolution for your canvases, cause 500x500 pixels = 250000 pxls, and 3000x3000 pxls = 9 MILLION pxls. Do you know how many 9 MILLION pxls is? like, 9 times the amount that a 1000x1000 has at 1 million. And I'm pretty sure that no painting needs more than a 600x600 scale to be beautiful and smooth perfectly. So just resize your image till you find a relating zone where it still captures the beauty of your pic, but doesn't create chunkiness.

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