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Errors and Ideas for GDU

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I've noticed a few errors on this website that makes things harder to do, so I decided to create this post to put all the errors I've found on this website that restrict certain things. And while I'm at this, I also want to post some ideas for the website that someone could do to make things better and easier for new people.



1. I've said it a few times, but being able to set a gif as your picture doesn't work, and I really would like to set a gif as my picture.

2. There is a blog section that nobody uses. Because it is under a tab nobody really knows exists. And in the list tab, it shows nothing.

3. We still have that arcade that has the high score boards broken. I've broken a few records and they don't appear, and it is really pointless as of now.

4. I made a tutorial on VX Ace, but the announcement that I made a tutorial didn't appear in the latest banner.

5. It is super annoying to delete things in the manager, because THERE IS NO MASS DELETE!!!

6. In the chat, when sharing videos, the videos take up too much of the chat, and it crowds it... Talking to a few people who like spamming videos...

7. This site doesn't work on mobile.

8. What the bloody hell does this button do? rss-28418.png

9. What is the point of becoming a friend with someone? Is there any benefits?

10. Try making a new account and see how fun that is. It took me 3 days to make an account on this website. For it didn't register me right (at least it's better than the RPG Maker Forums which blocked me out completely).

11. I see that you can become a subscriber and/or a Legend(?) on this site, but no real indication on what someone needs to do to become one of those, or what being one means.

12. Why can't I delete my own quotes, or access what I made? And it seriously needs to be revamped, but that's for the Ideas section.

13. The logo in the game page creator won't upload, and will always use your page banner.

14. You mention a layout feature for the character profiles section... how long ago did you mention Coming Soon?

15. pro-28418.png

16. Why do we still have games on the game page that are left to rot alone amidst other games or were discontinued?



1. A YouTube Channel for people here on GDU.

2. Some sort of Teamspeak Server.

3. Reopen the shops.

4. Fix all the issues above there.

6. An "Explore the World" page on Game Pages.

7. Have community events where we all show up at once and discuss matters like these, or to discuss games on the game pages, or to mange collabs on the YouTube channel or something. Or for challenges that award GDUpoints to the winner.

8. Realize I skipped 5 and slap yourself in the face because you didn't realize that.

9. A page that features all of a person's work, like drawings, sprites, scripts, games, or even the fun things like written stories (fanfics or whatever), quotes, polls/questions, an area like that! Though I think I'm asking too much of Marked at this point :|

10. Allow people to donate to GDU through patreon or by PayPal or something.

11. I still don't know what most buttons do in this editor I'm using to type this out. Like what does this do? 


Okay, that shares files you've uploaded... and what does this do? OmWhDidn'I know that was a thing?
Or how about 


I found out that this Quote system exists, but I have no idea why I would ever use it. Thanks whoever made this editor. Because now I can take up more space than I really need to because I don't know which button makes the spoiler button which packs in a bunch of text that people don't want to see. ~ Ardaceus 2015

Also, for the first month, I had no clue where anything was, and I was like a Runner in the maze, mapping out every single thing and finding where to locate each section... Like I still have troubles getting to the userpages of other people because I have to find their logo and name on this website to go there.


So what I'm saying is that someone needs to write a full detailed instruction manual on how things in GDU work, like how to use the chat most effectively, making use of all it's features, how to utilize the topic editor fully, because I still have no clue what half of those buttons do up there, and for how to traverse the site. Please somebody make a Bomarkedio's Guide to the GalaxyDimensionUniverse. I'm slowly dying after making that not so hilarious pun.



Also don't think that I'm attacking this website for being terrible, if this really was a terrible site, I don't think I would still be here, unlike every other site which I have left at some point or another because of bad people on the site, or the site completely failed in every aspect at some point.


So if anyone else has suggestions to ideas for the site, or notices any errors, don't post below, go and bug the living Illuminati out of a certain person called Roochu, because the ghost says so. If you go bug Roochu, I will not haunt you, I will not spook you, and I we will be having our jolly day. But if you post below, I will haunt you, I will spook you... and I will give you cake... Just remember that a certain meme will make you think twice about that pastry though.


Ardi out.

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I can actually answer a couple of these...
And provide an example of when to use the quote button.

I see that you can become a subscriber and/or a Legend(?) on this site, but no real indication on what someone needs to do to become one of those, or what being one means.

I'm not sure about subscribers, but I know legends are people who helped a lot with the site when it was still brand new, but aren't mods or admins. Not sure if they have any special powers though.

Why can't I delete my own quotes, or access what I made? And it seriously needs to be revamped, but that's for the Ideas section.

Because the quotes section is so far down Mark's list of priorities that it exists on a second page that he keeps in a drawer somewhere that he never opens.
I'd really like to be able to at least edit them, so I don't have to re-submit ones that other people added and have them appear under my name. Some of the ones under "Marked" at the bottom, are from the original topic for quotes and all added as soon as the quotes system was created.

Why do we still have games on the game page that are left to rot alone amidst other games or were discontinued?

We mods have no powers in the games section. I think this needs fixing...

A YouTube Channel for people here on GDU.

I think there is one, but it's not used anymore.

An "Explore the World" page on Game Pages.

There's help text when your cursor hovers over one the buttons, but here ya go anyway:
This site and 99.9% of forums use something called bbcode for topic posts. Google it.
1: toggle WYSIWYG. "What you see is what you get." When off, the text editor displays bbcode tags instead of exactly what your post will look like.
2. Remove formatting and reset highlighted text to plain text
3. Add a bbcode tag that doesn't have it's own button
4. Font Type
5. Font size
6. Font color
7. Emojis :youcandoit:
8. Access media uploaded to the site by you.
9. Find text
10. Replace text
11. Undo/Redo
12,13,14,15. Copy, Paste, Paste as plain text, Paste from word
16. Extra options. There are currently 2
17. Bold, Italics, Underline, Strike through, Subscript, Superscript
18. Lists (I didn't use that feature to make this list, but I probably should have)
19. Add Link/Remove Link
20. Add image CsBKQpE.gif
21. Add code. The text inside the code box will be displayed as text regardless of what it says, so you can write bbcode and it will do nothing.
22. Add a quote

23. Increase/decrease indent...of like half the freaking post apparently, wtf.

24. Horizontal text alignment...of like half freaking post apparently, wtf

Luckily I could use the light switch in the top left to fix the last two...
A spoiler tag inside of a code tag:

Vader is Luke's father

I know you didn't really need ALL of them explained, but I did anyway lol.
Hm...I guess Pol, Mark, or I could write a guide/faq and shove it up your- I mean, put it in the bug report section and pin it...I'd need help with FAQ stuff.
Edit: Cake is not pastry. It's cake.

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Firstly, please don't refer to me as Roochu. 


I skimmed over your topic and most of it seemed pretty trivial when I put it into my perspective as the developer. 


There seems to be a lot of stuff you don't how to use. And a lot of it certainly doesn't need a guide. I'm slightly surprised Bob spent time explaining the BBCode editor to you. You know if you hover icons, it will tell you its function? You just need to spend some time exploring and figuring that's out yourself. 


There's some things in your list I'd like to implement, and might to do at the end of the year when its possible I'll have some free time. There's a lot of stuff in your list I'd never bother with, and then there's things that don't really matter.


Here's how it is. Every time I develop something that is pretty much trivial, it's a near certainty that it won't increase activity. Therefore there is very little benefit to me in doing it. There may be a benefit to you... but you're already a member here, so I'm gaining nothing extra as the person investing the time. If I'm going to develop something, it has to be an improvement with a great deal of tangible benefit to everyone. Not necessarily an increase of traffic, but for example, improving the overall experience of the site. 


I actually have a UX update on my development server waiting to be deployed, but I don't have the time do deploy it right now coz it will take time to test. 


The quotes and chats suggestions for example. I would never, ever work on those. It might be nice for you to have, but so what? There's not enough benefit from it. 


I have a list of ideas that when/if I get time, I will implement. These are: 

  • Social functions to the games section (improved comments, rating system, followers system etc.)
  • Improved games section layout (already started this on dev server) 
  • Quality control in the games section aka manual approval for public listing 
  • proper portals/entry page/homepage for scripts & tuts


I am very keen on a community channel but I don't have to lead the implementation of that. If you guys want it, you'll have to proactive and organise it yourself (but I have a channel... so ask me for the PW). 

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If enough people want something and you have the time, why not make it? Why can't we be "the awesome game dev forum" instead of "the site where the owner only cares about views and getting more traffic" like every other site on the entire internet?


Yes, that's important, but fixing bugs and adding cool things CAN in fact, increase traffic (or do I just not know how the human mind works?). You seem to have the mindset of "If it doesn't fix the problem completely, it's not worth doing at all" which seems like a pretty crappy mindset to me :\


As for the things that don't increase traffic and never will...

I still don't see why you'll never work on them. Why not make things for convenience sake? I would accept a "I'm too busy and have other priorities" response to be honest. I just don't want to hear that you don't want to or that you don't think it's important enough to even consider.


I for one think an easy way to donate to you is a great idea, seeing as there are literally no ads on this site and you're the only one doing any coding for it.

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Dude, you don't get it. Of course that is my mindset, the mindset of others who live in reality. I have given this site a massive proportion of my life already. I started at 15 and I'm turning 25 this month. Honestly, it's time to move on in life and yes, I will not be spending time making things for a few people when I need to be focusing on my career. You get what I'm saying, right? To be honest, if there were 59 hours in a day, I would be doing it without benefit like I have for 9 years. If I died tomorrow, I would probably regret spending the time I already have developing this site, because it's been excessive. Of course that'd be impossible because I would be dead, but you get my point. Also, please be aware I'm talking about development. I don't regret spending time interacting with the community, although that was mostly more than 5 years ago when I was still using RM. 

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So I'm just going to go through each of these.



1. So I guess that's a no.

2. It's just there and nobody is going to use it, so just leave it.

3. Pointless Arcade will always be pointless.

4. (I made a tutorial on VX Ace, but the announcement that I made a tutorial didn't appear in the latest banner). I think that should be fixed to show up at the moment you approve of it, not when it was first created 2 weeks ago.

5. Mass delete would be a cool thing in the manager, because people who use it usually have not much space in there, would make making topics easier.

6. I don't even know what to say about this little thing.

7. I was just saying that the site doesn't work on mobile.

8. What does this stinkin button do? rss-28418.png

9. Are there any benefits whatsoever to being a friend with someone?

10. If people are having problems becoming a member, isn't that an area of interest?

11. So about becoming a subscriber...

12. The quotes page needs some improvements.

13. This was the first problem I had in GDU.

14. So I heard you were working on that slowly.

15. pro-28418.png

16. You need to be able to take some action over these pages Marked.



1. Well...

2. I'll just sit here saying Teamspeak server until you affirmatively say sure or nah.

3. Reopen the shops...

4. Fix all the issues above there.

5. A featured resources page would be quite cool, and make people want to come to the site more, what I think anyway.

6. "Explore the World" @Bob I'll get to that in a minute.

7. We as the community could organize them, I think it's something we should do.

8. Realize I put 5 back in.

9. I think I'm asking too much of Marked at this point :|

10. I think a lot of people would like to help by donating to the site, and to you Marked.

11. I understand things a lot better now that Bob explained them. But I already knew what most of the things did.



What I'm trying to get at is that I'm looking at things from a user's perspective. I'll say these next words from an average user's perspective.


What I would like to see in a website is for it to be constantly updated, it doesn't matter how many users are on the website, I just want to know that everything works and that nothing frustrates me. It's what keeps me coming back to a website, because I know I can achieve my goals on the internet, and be proficient with my activities. GDU has it's few things that doesn't work, and I can find it frustrating sometimes to see people making maximum use of the topic editor when I don't know how to HTML or CSS, and some of the times I find I have a hard time traversing this new site I discovered maybe an hour ago, I had problems creating my account, and I find that some things on this website are completely useless, and I've spent the little time I have on these useless things. But besides that, what does work is fantastic! I don't know many websites that allow you to have your own page on a website that can be viewed by many visitors like me. The resource pages are loathsome and are very well organized, and I'm finding many things that I can use for my project. The tutorial section is very good for me, as I'm new to game development (or it teaches my skilled mind some new tricks), and has many cool things I didn't know how to do before. And I like how unique this website looks compared to many other forums, as this site is extremely well organized, from the home page, to the forums page, everything! Searching things has never been easier, like if I want to find a game that is complete, there is a section for only those things, and if I want to find a game to interest me but is early in development, I can go to the New Games category.  While I do have a few wishes for this website that can make my experience better, I feel that I can have use of this website for a while, though I may not come to the site often because I may need it for maybe one reason. Though it's a very good site.


So what I'm trying to say is that by doing these few extra things, you will make newcomers feel welcome into the site instead of confused by some things. It will make people want to come back, and increase traffic, which will get them to tell their friends about the site possibly, and head on from there.


What I'm posting up there is suggestions as to what will make this site better, and more popular, for even these tiny things can change how a person views a website.


But don't get me wrong, you've done an amazing job with this website. Because it organizes the most important parts of this website, it has a great look to it, I find it very easy to talk to others on the website, and the amount of features you offer is spectacular. You've truly made a unique website among all these other RPG Maker Forums... or I understand that you are also trying to implicate other things like Unity into your website, which is also not done by all these other forums.


I think that maybe you need to accept some web scripting help from other people, and open up a donation page for a few extra dollars to help keep the site running. Cause this website to me is like a Wikipedia of game development... Except that you are having the website up and running from your own pocket instead of letting the people who make up the content of this site help with making it a website that will always be there to help them for what they need... Holy crap this website really is the Wikipedia of Game Development o_O.


So I hope I've cleared up some things and I hope my opinion is understandable (probably not), and that I'm just trying to help out with the community and newcomers. I understand you want to move on your life to somewhere else while still having this website here, so I think that you would appreciate some help with coding the site's pages. I'm just looking at it from the user's perspective.


Since I have nothing else to say.... I guess Ardi out.




@Bob and maybe @Marked

Alright, what I mean when I say "Explore the World" is like a page where you can go into depth about the world that you set up the player to explore. Like in Wonder's War, you explore the continent of Nova on the world of Novus. I could go into detail for each area or city whatev that you can explore. It allows the viewer of the page to look at a world more carefully and become far more immersed with a story you're trying to tell/sell. It was an idea, but it's just still an idea.



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Everything you said is basically what I was trying to say, but couldn't find the right words. Not sure how Marked doesn't get this. :\ I've never not felt like there was something wrong with this site, but I've been too lazy to really care. Some of the issues are fixed when mentioned, but some seem to be completely ignored.

A web developer who doesn't fix bugs when they're reported seems unprofessional to me, regardless of all the other awesome stuff he's done.

I'm going to college soon for software development, but I seriously considered web development for multiple reasons, one being to help fix the parts of the site that Marked is too busy to. Unfortunately, web development isn't what I want to do for a living, what I want to learn it for won't make me money anyway, and it'll be difficult for me, personally, to do both, if not impossible.


I would gladly donate my time and/or money to fixing this site if either of those things were possible for me (I have all the time in the world, but no skills or money). I think I'll be doing work study in college, so I'll make a little money and might be able to donate a few bucks here and there if you'll let me.


About the "explore the world" thing:

I would probably use a lore page for my game. There's lots of stuff in my series that I want to put on a game page, but most people don't really care about.

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A person who is willing to help with code simply does not exist. That is an option that doesn't sit in the realm of reality, nor is it a good idea to give a stranger the power to delete the site. 

I'm going to college soon for software development, but I seriously considered web development for multiple reasons, one being to help fix the parts of the site that Marked is too busy to. Unfortunately, web development isn't what I want to do for a living, what I want to learn it for won't make me money anyway, and it'll be difficult for me, personally, to do both, if not impossible.

Wise choice. Please do not pay any attention to web development. 

open up a donation page for a few extra dollars to help keep the site running. 

You both mentioned donations, which honestly bewilders me. Where was the indication that money is needed to keep the site up? I pay about $12USD per year to run this site, and given the ads, I actually make a profit. 

A web developer who doesn't fix bugs when they're reported seems unprofessional to me, regardless of all the other awesome stuff he's done.

Ok. Professional doesn't come into this equation, I just got through explaining my position to you. 
You know what, if there was a compiled list that was prioritized properly, that lists bugs (not features), then I will fix them. I wasn't aware the situation regarding bugs was so dire. 

but I've been too lazy to really care. 

You are too lazy, I'm too busy. Maybe neither of us can complain. But, especially you if you're going to say that :)

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You know what, if there was a compiled list that was prioritized properly, that lists bugs (not features), then I will fix them. I wasn't aware the situation regarding bugs was so dire. 


You are too lazy, I'm too busy. Maybe neither of us can complain. But, especially you if you're going to say that :)


The only thing I was concerned with when I started looking at this thread was the ratio of work needed to be done compared to the time that you have, Marked. Which I assume is like... 1million to practically nothing. I'm actually surprised that you had time to consider Saltome's thread alone.


My opinion is that the site functions fine as it is (not flawless, but eh). I don't see the need to change things that aren't often used or are self-explanatory. 


To me, the fact that this site was created by one man is still amazing. This whole setup is enormous and, I imagine, pretty hard to maintain. Making completely new features? I don't even want to imagine how much work would go into that. Considering what Mark was planning some months ago with the game pages hasn't been implemented with, this entire list would probably take ages.


To be honest... seeing that you're at the ripe age of 25, Mark, I'm surprised you're spending so much time here and on the occasional maintance rather than going out and working yourself three sheets to the wind every other night. Which is probably what I would do. P:

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There's no doubt that what Marked has done is impressive. I feel like the main issue here is the fact that everyone willing to help can't and Marked probably wouldn't accept the help anyway.

And then people(me included) get annoyed when Marked isn't fixing the tiny issues with the site that annoy me every other day...but in reality we're just being unreasonable. Ardi's kinda new, so he's allowed to be a little annoyed, but I should know better :\ I somehow completely forgot that Marked has talked about this kind of thing before...and I was there...making almost the exact same complaints.

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The only thing I was concerned with when I started looking at this thread was the ratio of work needed to be done compared to the time that you have, Marked. Which I assume is like... 1million to practically nothing. I'm actually surprised that you had time to consider Saltome's thread alone.


My opinion is that the site functions fine as it is (not flawless, but eh). I don't see the need to change things that aren't often used or are self-explanatory. 


To me, the fact that this site was created by one man is still amazing. This whole setup is enormous and, I imagine, pretty hard to maintain. Making completely new features? I don't even want to imagine how much work would go into that. Considering what Mark was planning some months ago with the game pages hasn't been implemented with, this entire list would probably take ages.


To be honest... seeing that you're at the ripe age of 25, Mark, I'm surprised you're spending so much time here and on the occasional maintance rather than going out and working yourself three sheets to the wind every other night. Which is probably what I would do. P:

I'm glad someone is finally on my side  :annoyed: She gets it. You guys don't get it she gets it. 


Also I lied in my profile so you guys won't wish me happy birthday (even though you don't anymore). I'm still 24 :) (until the 26th). 


What does three sheets to the wind mean? If it means getting drunk, then I'm too old for that now too  :ehh: I've done all that and I'm just focused on my career now. If you still drink to get wasted at 25, unless its a special occasion,  it's a bit concerning. I've only managed to spend as much time as I have because I've studied for much longer than average since I studied two bachelor degrees (one of which is 4 years full time study alone). 


There's no doubt that what Marked has done is impressive. I feel like the main issue here is the fact that everyone willing to help can't and Marked probably wouldn't accept the help anyway.

Really? I'm not convinced about that because I just said in my last post, which went completely ignored, that I would fix up the bugs that are...bugging you... if you guys would assemble a prioritized list. Which it literally the least anyone could do to help. I'm not sure doing nothing falls into my definition of "willing to help". I'm also not talking about yourself, I'm talking about the community generally in the same way you are. 

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I was thinking of how to get around to solve the problem, that Marked didn't trust handing the files to someone who could delete them. What I came up with was to copy the html file (or CSS or whatever Marked uses) that can be improved upon, then him sending it by email to someone who could fix it if it needs work. Then when they figure out the problem, they can send the fixed version back to Marked.

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I was thinking of how to get around to solve the problem, that Marked didn't trust handing the files to someone who could delete them. What I came up with was to copy the html file (or CSS or whatever Marked uses) that can be improved upon, then him sending it by email to someone who could fix it if it needs work. Then when they figure out the problem, they can send the fixed version back to Marked.


I wonder how many people can read the code and know their way around the site like Mark does, though. P: Considering that we do get someone.


I feel like the main issue here is the fact that everyone willing to help can't and Marked probably wouldn't accept the help anyway.

And then people(me included) get annoyed when Marked isn't fixing the tiny issues with the site that annoy me every other day...but in reality we're just being unreasonable. Ardi's kinda new, so he's allowed to be a little annoyed, but I should know better :\ I somehow completely forgot that Marked has talked about this kind of thing before...and I was there...making almost the exact same complaints.


Well, if I were capable of making a site like this (and will never be lmao) I wouldn't accept help from people who don't have the amount of experience in web design as long as I did. I wouldn't hand a personal project off to anyone who doesn't know it like the back of my hand. Unless they're really, really good.


Good help is hard to find. P:



I'm still 24 :) (until the 26th). 


What does three sheets to the wind mean? If it means getting drunk, then I'm too old for that now too  :ehh: I've done all that and I'm just focused on my career now. If you still drink to get wasted at 25, unless its a special occasion,  it's a bit concerning. I've only managed to spend as much time as I have because I've studied for much longer than average since I studied two bachelor degrees (one of which is 4 years full time study alone). 


Really? I'm not convinced about that because I just said in my last post, which went completely ignored, that I would fix up the bugs that are...bugging you... if you guys would assemble a prioritized list. Which it literally the least anyone could do to help. I'm not sure doing nothing falls into my definition of "willing to help". I'm also not talking about yourself, I'm talking about the community generally in the same way you are. 


Damn. that one year actually makes all the difference, no you sound less than an amazing, intimidating, intelligent, alternate-world adult. (25 was always the year that automatically qualifies you as adult in my head, lol). And yeah, I jest. I wouldn't have the patience or interest to get drunk, it seems too little fun to make up for the trouble that comes after.


But when you say a list of "bugs" rather than a list of "features we want improved", the list kind of narrows down a lot. P:

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Well, if I were capable of making a site like this (and will never be lmao) I wouldn't accept help from people who don't have the amount of experience in web design as long as I did. I wouldn't hand a personal project off to anyone who doesn't know it like the back of my hand. Unless they're really, really good.


Good help is hard to find. P:


That was point too. I though I said this above. Don't take in personally Ardy but, there is no point brainstorming methods of someone else developing this site when such a person doesn't exist. The trust issue is very minor, but if someone new came along that would be a factor, albeit a small one. If this site was deleted I would breathe a sigh of relief...like when frodo through the ring into the fire. Or something. And since we've discussed why the heck am I still here... sentimentality has driven me a long way. Communities have atmospheres... and the people that have come and gone have made this whole experience quite special. It's been here for me since I was 15. Anyways, umm... yeah... if there was a developer then he'd need access to everything. The stuff that's not the forums was written from scratch :) HTML and css will achieve nothing (much).



Damn. that one year actually makes all the difference, no you sound less than an amazing, intimidating, intelligent, alternate-world adult. (25 was always the year that automatically qualifies you as adult in my head, lol). And yeah, I jest. I wouldn't have the patience or interest to get drunk, it seems too little fun to make up for the trouble that comes after.


But when you say a list of "bugs" rather than a list of "features we want improved", the list kind of narrows down a lot. P:

I'm confused as to whether I've been complimented  :huh2: Coz I'm totally those things  :grin: I'm not that intimidating... maybe I am particularly so in this topic, because it's been necessary. And especially against Bob. I like Bob, but I'm challenging him to see what he'll come out with. 


And yeah, I jest. I wouldn't have the patience or interest to get drunk, it seems too little fun to make up for the trouble that comes after.

Uhuh, well, in addition to what I said, I've had some really great nights being really intoxicated. Even when the end is a blackout. All I'm saying is there's a time, place and age for it (Geez now I do sound old :annoyed: ). 


But when you say a list of "bugs" rather than a list of "features we want improved", the list kind of narrows down a lot. P:

Ok, we've established we want something. Is it possible for the community to reach a consensus on what that is? I've said many times that I'm willing to build what you guys want... so long as its a sensible idea. I know in practice a list and a consensus is a difficult thing to achieve. I may regret saying this, but I am willing to do small and stupid features/bug fixes if the community was able to develop a list. 


In other news, I had a really good job interview today. And getting a full job will free up a ton of time, because I'm currently doing three full jobs worth of stuff each day. And it's killing me slowly.. literally. 

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 Ok, we've established we want something. Is it possible for the community to reach a consensus on what that is? I've said many times that I'm willing to build what you guys want... so long as its a sensible idea. I know in practice a list and a consensus is a difficult thing to achieve. I may regret saying this, but I am willing to do small and stupid features/bug fixes if the community was able to develop a list.

Wait, you just said you won't do any of the things ardi mentioned...

Well whatever, here's some of the things he said. Let's start with this:

- Teamspeak Server...?

- A page that features all of a person's work (we kind of have that in profiles, but it seems incomplete)

- Fix being able to upload a gif as an avatar

- Either remove the blog section entirely or add it to the recent posts thing and make it easier to find

- Reduce the size of youtube videos in chat

- The ability to delete or edit your own quotes (maybe...?)


And for moderators:

- The ability to edit and not just delete quotes

- Mod powers in chat (kick, ban...?)

- For deleting quotes to redirect to the quotes page instead of that...doll...thing.


Now that I think about it...there really isn't that much. At least nothing that I can think of off the top of my head. I wonder how a "Stuff we want" topic would go. People post suggestions, which are added to the OP and removed or crossed out when done.

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I never said I wouldn't do the things in his list. I meant his list contains things that are not worth looking it, don't need to be done, or simply can be done already. That's why I want this to be a community thing and not one member's wishlist. There needs to be checks. 
Well whatever, here's some of the things he said. Let's start with this:
- Teamspeak Server...? plausible, unlikely 
- A page that features all of a person's work (we kind of have that in profiles, but it seems incomplete) possible, been thinking about this myself
- Fix being able to upload a gif as an avatar Good - I should do this 
- Either remove the blog section entirely or add it to the recent posts thing and make it easier to find No reason to do that. 
- Reduce the size of youtube videos in chat
Trivial, but simple fix. 
- The ability to delete or edit your own quotes (maybe...?) No. 
And for moderators:
- The ability to edit and not just delete quotes Fine. 
- Mod powers in chat (kick, ban...?) We don't use it enough, we might instead consider a 3rd party chat where I don't have to develop it 
- For deleting quotes to redirect to the quotes page instead of that...doll...thing. That doll thing was for you. You don't like????

3/9 are chat related and the chat isn't used very often enough. It's just one of those gimmicky things that can be used. So, maybe I'll look into integrating chat software that comes with all those features. 

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In other news, I had a really good job interview today. And getting a full job will free up a ton of time, because I'm currently doing three full jobs worth of stuff each day. And it's killing me slowly.. literally. 


Jesus Christ, three full jobs' work a day? You better get that new job, it'll be good for you. P: tbh most of the time you offer to do these things, I just worry about you and work + stress + lack of time.



Well whatever, here's some of the things he said. Let's start with this:

- Teamspeak Server...? plausible, unlikely 

- A page that features all of a person's work (we kind of have that in profiles, but it seems incomplete) possible, been thinking about this myself

- Fix being able to upload a gif as an avatar Good - I should do this 


These three things are pretty much all the things that matter to me. I personally think that if videos in the chat are fixed, then the rest is cool. I don't know what a more advanced chat would do, it's rarely used as it is anyway. And I think it's charming.


There's also this thing that happens when I make my window smaller--the avatar in a post will duplicate, which looks odd. I'll grab a screenshot: 






Not sure if this is a bug or not, but it happens on mobile too (well, on my Nokia it does--my Nexus 4 seems a little more compliant), which makes GDU practically impossible to use on my phone.

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Yeah, I feel like a complete newbie to this website now. Great... but anyway!


So I saw Bob post this, and I think it's reasonable to talk about from, except for when I stated. So here is my own opinion on this from my perspective while trying to keep with Marked's predicament:


- Teamspeak Server...? It would likely have to be run by someone in the site, cause ain't no Marked got time for that


- A page that features all of a person's work (we kind of have that in profiles, but it seems incomplete) This would be the only thing I want added to a site
- Fix being able to upload a gif as an avatar This would be cool, but it's just a little thing I would like honestly, the one thing I want fixed personally
- Either remove the blog section entirely or add it to the recent posts thing and make it easier to find I wasn't a part of it to make comments on this
- Reduce the size of youtube videos in chat I'm not mad if you don't fix this, cause it's just a super small thing that should be ignored
- The ability to delete or edit your own quotes (maybe...?) I regret some of the quotes I put up. I would love to delete them


Well, I understand your part of the conversation Marked, and that you can't always work on it. And if you don't want to find someone else to work on it, I'll respect that.


So I'll just drop from the conversation I guess since all I made this for was to point out things that were broken on GDU, but don't get me wrong, this site is amazing, and you've done a great job on it Marked. I'm happy that this site exists, and I'll probably keep coming back for some time to come.


So Ardi out, I'll probably go back to being the guardian of the chat cause I'm that ghosty.

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