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Gay Marriage - Yes? No? Maybe so?

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Well, the "USA Drinking Age" topic went swimmingly! I figure I'd incorporate some more issues onto this section of the forums and spur some more healthy debate.



So, the issue at hand...gay marriage. In the United States, homosexual couples currently do not have the ability to get married in an overwhelming majoiry (49) of the states. The question at hand is whether or not this should be deemed unconstitutional, or if the federal government should not get involved at all, seeing as how marriage laws are governed by each individual state. I'm sorry for those of you who aren't American and therefore might know have as much background to the federal/state issue and whatnot, but your opinions are welcome nonetheless!


Here are the five dominant views regarding gay marriage:


1) It should be allowed and treated the same as a marraige between a man and a woman.


2) It should not be allowed, but homosexuals should be allowed to enter into civil unions.


3) It should be up to each individual state to decide their own marriage laws.


4) It should not be allowed and civil unions should not be allowed.


5) Marriage in general should be done away with and everyone should enter into civil unions - marriage would then lose the rights attached with it and become solely a religious practice, while civil unions would replace marriage and include all previous rights attached with it.


So, which are you? Or, do you have another alternative?




For all intents and purposes, I'm 5. I think that everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, should be allowed to have the same rights. "Marriage" is just a title, and religious folk can keep it! It's the rights that are in question, and as of right now, civil unions just don't grant 100% of the rights that a marriage does. So, either change marriage, or change the definion of a civil union.

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I'm all for gay marriage. I have no problems with it. Each person to their own. So if you like another man then so be it. If you like another girl then so be it.

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I believe we should allow gay marriage. My reasoning is that as a Christian it is wrong to tell gay people they can't marry just because they are gay. The Bible says to love the "sinner" and accept them where they are. If we say gay people can't marry, then we aren't doing that. What ticks me off, though, is that recently a gay couple wanted to get divorced, and the court said they couldn't because there was no law saying they could. In which case, my entire family celebrated because the people couldn't get divorced. If being gay is wrong, and two gay people are married and realize they are wrong, and they can't get divorced...well, then...that's just wrong! Your forcing 2 no-longer-gay people to stay together because they were stupid. I myself am bisexual, however, yet I'm Christian. I think it is wrong to say that being gay is wrong, and that they are sinners. We as Christians need to step up and say "So your gay, so what? That's fine by me! Come have fun with us. If it's so wrong, God will deal with you." The bible does say, after all, "Do not judge, lest ye yourself be judged." Hence, we can't judge a person because they are gay. That said, I support LGBT rights!

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As I am Jewish, my religion basically says that Homosexuality is a sin, but that doesn't let me say that no other people have to be Heterosexual because of me. I live in the UK, where Gay Civil Marriages are legal. At the moment, gay people cannot marry in a church etc... I have been taught that marriage is the joining two people in the eyes of God. In that statement, all it says is TWO PEOPLE, not two heterosexual people. God gave us freewill so we should be able to marry another man (or woman) if they really want. If you truly love that person, then you are still keeping the love of God in your heart, and isn't that truly enough?

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Im all for it too i say 1) It should be allowed and treated the same as a marriage between a man and a woman. because we cant control there lives let them decide what they can do for themselves, i'm tired of people and the government controlling peoples lives!!

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Now, because everyone is agreeing, i am going to point out some of the problems with same-sex partnerships. If you haven't watched Chuck and Larry, then you should know it is hard to stop those who are 'faking' it, just for the benefits of being married. Granted, I don't know the entire lowdown about the benefits of being married, but it has to do with government money and such.

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Now, because everyone is agreeing, i am going to point out some of the problems with same-sex partnerships. If you haven't watched Chuck and Larry, then you should know it is hard to stop those who are 'faking' it, just for the benefits of being married. Granted, I don't know the entire lowdown about the benefits of being married, but it has to do with government money and such.



There are over a thousand benefits / rights that come along with marriage, but you're honestly telling me that there aren't straight couples who might just be "faking it" too? I think a situation like Chuck and Larry is extremely impractical. You show me two fully heterosexual men who are willing to kiss in front of others and proclaim themselves as gay just for benefits (with the intent of someday actually getting married) and I'll stand corrected.

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Dude, I live in a state that HATES gays, and for kicks, my friend and i would cuddle on the bus (and i won't go into more detail than that). The following year, after i graduated, my friend was asked by atleast 10 different people where his boyfriend was. In brief, we did it just for kicks, no benefits or nothing.


I'm sure there are others that would do the same for more.

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1) It should be allowed and treated the same as a marraige between a man and a woman.


That's my oppinion in short.

I'm cristian but I really dont believe in it but i still belong to the church (it has some benefits, atleast at Finland)

Sure gay marriage is ok to me, but I can't imagine myself being gay.

Everyone has their thing that should not be questioned.


They even have some thing better than straight people that comes to marriage, but it could have something to do that both are male's and understand each other.

For exsample this is my stereotype of gay people; they wear pink clothes, talk weird (you know what I mean right?), are more open, don't get nervous and if they do they rather open their mouths than give a punch.

Almost seem's their marriage's work better than straight marriage's.


My oppinion on the bible considering gay marriages or gayness as a whole is ridicilious.

I think the bible says something like; man should not make love to another man.

Still there's a BIIIIG punch of text that jesus died for youre sins, everyone sins and sex is a sin if you're not married and so on, and so on.

I'm not even sure if I quoted the bible right :huh:


I have one friend who hate's nigger's, one friend that hate's gays and one friend who is bisexual.

That's just a little background info and you can take it as you want. :blink:


Dude, I live in a state that HATES gays, and for kicks, my friend and i would cuddle on the bus (and i won't go into more detail than that). The following year, after i graduated, my friend was asked by atleast 10 different people where his boyfriend was. In brief, we did it just for kicks, no benefits or nothing.


I'm sure there are others that would do the same for more.


week a ago i danced on the disco with my male friend when backstreet boys was playing, I was drunk though. :P


I'ts nice to see that this forums user's are openminded :)

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week a ago i danced on the disco with my male friend when backstreet boys was playing, I was drunk though. :P


I'ts nice to see that this forums user's are openminded :)


HAHA!! I love it.




As for your stereotype of gays, it's only half true......I do wear pink ;)...sometimes....I only have one pink shirt, haha.



And I love your thought process on how gay marriages would work out better, because men understand eachother. Unfortunately, gay men are more like women, so it's not entirely true...but you'll see a lot of lesbians who seems to fit that mold (interestingggg).



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Nice to see I didn't offend you :P


Oh yeah.

My stereotype gay listen's boybands and village people too. :P

...shit, had a flashback of me doing W.M.C.E. drunk :blink:


You got some nice debates going on, carry on ;)

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Now, because everyone is agreeing, i am going to point out some of the problems with same-sex partnerships. If you haven't watched Chuck and Larry, then you should know it is hard to stop those who are 'faking' it, just for the benefits of being married. Granted, I don't know the entire lowdown about the benefits of being married, but it has to do with government money and such.


The major benefits of getting married relate to visitation rights in the hospital, certain companies providing benefits to spouses, and the like.


You pay a marriage penalty at tax time, as I know full well, the hard way.


Anyway, for me, it's a tossup between one and five.


In the first place, why not?


On the religious argument: Any religion, any church has the right to marry or not marry anyone they like. That's their business, and no proposal has ever been made that would change that.


On the other hand, the country that I live in (Hint: It's pretty big, and very unpopular, and it's in Region 1) has this clause called Separation of Church and State.


As I see it, that means that the principals of any given religion should not affect our laws.


Thus, gay marriage. If a given church doesn't want to perform the ceremony, fine. There's other churches that will. Lots of 'em, too.


Or somebody could get a civil ceremony, just like lots of straight folks getting married. It's a legal process, after all.

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Well I for one don't really care about marriage in all forms so to me whether or not homosexuals are getting married really doesn't matter. Also as for the separation of church and state, it has been a lot of force fed crap hell the entire argument only exists because of the churches having influence over the government. there should be a sixth option


6) do away with all religious influence in politics and save us from having to listen to arguments over something that there is nothing wrong with.


I don't mean to offend those that are religious or that claim to be religious but I do see the "bibles" as an obstruction to scientific, cultural and social growth world wide. they have perfect views on some things but in other things they are like a malignant cancer eating away at our future.

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For me, I would have to say that I don't care who gets married to who, just as long as they both want to, so no unusual fake, forced marriages. Also, fake marriages shouldn't happen either but they do, between and two people.


See, in my eyes, a human is a human, and man is a human, and a woman is a human. Therefore in the end, it is just a human marrying another human. So really, I don't see why there is even a question of the matter, except religions saying it is a sin. But it is also each individuals choice in what we do.


I am sure that to steal was a sin, so couldn't we say that taking one's right to be married to who they love, would be stealing one's right to be happy?


I am fine with homosexuality, so long as they don't start doing it in, my bed or on my lawn or something. basically keep it private, but I ask that of all kinds of sexual stuff, not just homosexuality.

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What do you mean by keeping it private, though? It seems unfair to me if you've got a set of people who can't gripe about their SO, walk down the street together holding hands, or whatever, and that's sometimes what people mean.


And by "unfair" I do mean "Clearly morally wrong."

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My View:


The Bible clearly states that marriage is between a man and a woman. Now, from my Christian PoV, they'll burn in hell, and I should despise them, and try to convert them back to the appropriate side.


Morally however, if they are happy with each other, and wish to live together, forever, doing public displays of affection towards each other (be it man or women couples, and when i mean PDA's, I mean like kissing, hugging or holding hands), then let them be happy. The Government has no grounds to prevent this from happening, because its an emotional thing, based on Morals. People can't control your morals.


There's my discussion (notice how fast I dashed away from the whole Christian PoV? I'm not really a hardcore Christian.)

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by private I didn't mean like PDA stuff, like kissing or hugging or holding hands. I ment that I would prefer not to want out of my front door and see them doing sexual stuff, such as making love on my lawn. And that it would be that way for anyone no matter what they are in to. Basically, I would be fine going outside and seeing them do things, such as kiss, or hold hands, hug. I would just prefer that they were not going all the way in front of me. especially if they have a house or there is an afordable hotel nearby.

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by private I didn't mean like PDA stuff, like kissing or hugging or holding hands. I ment that I would prefer not to want out of my front door and see them doing sexual stuff, such as making love on my lawn. And that it would be that way for anyone no matter what they are in to. Basically, I would be fine going outside and seeing them do things, such as kiss, or hold hands, hug. I would just prefer that they were not going all the way in front of me. especially if they have a house or there is an afordable hotel nearby.


Well, that's entirely reasonable.

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NO! no no no no no! No way! Never! No!



It could start the zombie apocalypse due to some STD or something. Also isn't it obvious?! If you have a part that goes with the other, why screw crap up, if ya' know what I mean?

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NO! no no no no no! No way! Never! No!



It could start the zombie apocalypse due to some STD or something. Also isn't it obvious?! If you have a part that goes with the other, why screw crap up, if ya' know what I mean?



...this is satire, right?

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Most defiantly.



Although, I need to state that I denounce this action.

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Which action? Marriage?


That's really the only one that anything is going to change about, anyway-- any even casual look at the evidence will reveal that sexual orientation isn't a matter of choice.


I mean, people engaged in homosexual activity at times and places when it would get you the death penalty, for God's sake. People did this when every single thing that they heard and read and were told was that such activity would only earn you eternal damnation. Seems pretty far-fetched for a choice.


Plus there's the animals. Which engage in homosexual activity. Like, you know, most mammals.


Even aside from all this, I have to note the research that was done at the college that I attended that indicated very strongly that certain specific chemical factors in the brain were involved. And the testimony from friends of mine who tried so damn hard to change their orientation, but always, only to fail, because it was who they were.


Homosexuality isn't going anywhere. There's no reason that I can see to condemn it, anyway-- it neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket. It's normal behavior.


And given all that, why would anyone object to marriage? Why shouldn't someone be able to say, "This is the one I love! I want to spend my life together with them and no one else!"


Anything else would be pointlessly, needlessly cruel.

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I'm for number 2. I'm christian. The bible says the joining of a "Man and a woman". But I think they should be able to have rights together, just not get "married"


Wow I was being stupid back then. I am against Gay marriage in any way shape or form now, even legal unions should be illegal!

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Well first of all marriage is between a man and woman by definition. So for them to be together they should have to call it something different but with the same meaning behind. I my self don't like it but to be fair about it and look at every aspect like in most cases you do this at a church.....if the church is a church of god gays are hated and in the bible is said" same sex's getting together make God sick and angry so there for again they would have to find a new place to be to get married there way. So if they changed the name and made a place for them to do it but it mean the same as marriage i could look past it and be alright with it.

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Why do marriages have to happen in a given church?


Nobody's saying that they do-- and there are any number of churches that will happily perform gay marriages.


But you can get married at a city clerk's office, and lots of folks do.

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