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Picture Based Cut Scene with Eventing

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What is this?

This is basically the same as a regular cut scene but instead of showing character movement it shows text from a picture the scrolls from the bottom of the screen to the top


Step 1:

Make a new room the name can be anything but don't change anything else keep the room size the same and don't add anything


Step 2:

Go to a drawing program and make a new picture with a width of 640 and the height can be anything you want. Add text and pictures as you please

NOTE: Remember what you set the height too that will be important later



Step 3:

Save and import the picture into the "Pictures" folder in your game


Step 4:

Go to your Database and make a new common event name it anything


Step 5:

~add a "Set Move Rout" Command, make sure its set to Player and have it change Opacity to 0, this will make it so you cant see the player

~add a "Show Picture" Command, add the picture graphic you just made, go to where it says constant: x: 0   and y: 0... change y to 480 so it will start at the bottom of the screen

~add a "Move Picture" Command, the number should be the same as the number in the show picture command, you can set the time to what ever you want (remember this value) 20 frames is 1 second, the more frames the slower it will move, and again where it says constant: x: 0   and y: 0... change the y to -X... x being the height of your picture from step 2

~add a "Wait" Command and set it too what ever the Time value was in the move picture command

~just like the first command add another "Set Move Rout" and make it the same as before but this time set opacity to 255 so you are again visible

~the final command is a transfer player, set this to where you want the game to start at



Step 6:

In the new room you made set the players starting position to anywhere you want it doesn't matter, and add an event, make it parallel processing with one command:

~"Call Common Event" and set it to the common event you made last step


And that's it :thumbsup:

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